It's been a big adjustment learning to stay calm and carry on in the midst of this insidious, wicked virus yet I remain steadfast in my resolve to do everything within my power to...
#bewell #staystrong #staycalm #stayathome #staycreative #persevere #consciousliving #rhythmisthecure #makemusic #keeponkeepingon #bepositive #beempowerd #imagine #manifestnewvisions
Quite frankly, it is easy to slip into a place of feeling overwhelmed and distressed by the numbers in the news and the conflicting partisan politics in our country amidst this coronavirus, which is impacting everyone everywhere on the planet. The only way I seem to find solace is to quiet the mind, stay grateful for for the blessings (aka privileges) in my life and consider how to keep my immune system functioning at its premium best. I am blessed/privileged to be able to prepare nourishing meals, exercise ala #livingroomdance (aka living room funkadelics) to a playlist that boosts my spirits, practice my frame drum, return to reading Rumi and, admittedly, binge-watch programming on Netflix, YouTube, etc.
Thankfully, for example, the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia has been hosting a weekday "Barnes Takeout" which has provided a nice respite in the middle of the monotony of being home for many, many days.... An in-depth and personal lesson about the artist, the artwork and The Barnes Foundation collection!
All the while I feel deep gratitude for the privilege to work remotely from home. Luckily, thanks to having set up a home office many moons ago as an entrepreneur and independent contractor teaching nearly a dozen weekly dance classes* at locations throughout the Lehigh Valley, I set up an office in my home many, many moons ago where I organized by class playlists and lesson plans, corresponded with program directors, served as the "webmistress" maintaining my website and then also began my research and development of the Ceremonial Systrum™.
*Regrettably, one by one those classes lost participants due to the new kid on the block, known as Zumba. It seems to have distracted my class participants as they shifted their attention in that direction and drifted away from learning movements deeply steeped in women's culture dating back thousands of years availing us to the history and mystery of empowering magical and mythical movements.

I count my blessings...for example, this lil' 2-year old orchid gives me pleasure every day greeting me from her perch in my sun room and for this (and my health and my beautiful home and my loving son, family and good friends), I am grateful❣️
I also give thanks and send waves and waves and waves of love and best wishes to everyone considered 'essential' (and not as lucky as I to be "secure at home") who are "out there" giving us their all ~ the healthcare providers and all the staff in overcrowded hospitals, the people stocking the shelves and working the registers at the supermarket, etc. DEEP BOWS OF RESPECT.
I'm learning about connecting with others on-line thru Zoom, which has helped keep our Zoellner Arts Center Music Master Mentor Program afloat as well as helping me keep company with others interested in the wisdom of Rumi ~ Thank you Dr. Walead Mosaad for Rumi Wisom for Reflective Isolation.
Wondering if it might be possible to offer some kind of program from the confines of my home, something that would allow joining forces with others in prayers of upliftment and invoking enlightenment, I referred to my notes on the Heart Sutra mantra and presented it in a New Moon zoom gathering....
Allow me now, if you will, to invite you to join me in a Heart Centering practice ~ Place your left hand over your heart and then your right hand over your left and take in a deep 5-count inhalation followed by a slow 5-count exhalation. Repeat several times all the while noticing the calming effect this has on your heart as you also allow compassion and courage to swell as you bask in the medicine of gratitude and notice the Life Force pulsing within you. Allow it to then radiate into your hands.
Bring your hands together in Anjali mudra and let them rest momentarily at the space midpoint on your forehead just above your eyebrows known as the "Third Eye' chakra, the center of intuition and foresight. As suggested by many spiritual counselors and visionaries, including women's health and wellness author, obstetrics and gynecology physician Chrisiane Northrup, MD, let us petition our Higher Selves and True Nature to rally in support of the healing and fully restored health of the forces that created and all whom have been infected and effected by this pandemic. Focus on the Divine Love within and send Love and Light to the planet and everyone on it. Now, bring your hands in Anjali mudra down to the center of your chest known as the Heart chakra and once again focus on the Divine Love within and send Love and Light to the planet and everyone on it. Svãhã
Bring your hands together in Anjali mudra and let them rest momentarily at the space midpoint on your forehead just above your eyebrows known as the "Third Eye' chakra, the center of intuition and foresight. As suggested by many spiritual counselors and visionaries, including women's health and wellness author, obstetrics and gynecology physician Chrisiane Northrup, MD, let us petition our Higher Selves and True Nature to rally in support of the healing and fully restored health of the forces that created and all whom have been infected and effected by this pandemic. Focus on the Divine Love within and send Love and Light to the planet and everyone on it. Now, bring your hands in Anjali mudra down to the center of your chest known as the Heart chakra and once again focus on the Divine Love within and send Love and Light to the planet and everyone on it. Svãhã
May our beloved Mother Earth and all sentient beings (re)emerge within the Greatest Possiblities & the Highest Good for all. Svãhã
✨sÅ¡Å¡t sÅ¡Å¡t sÅ¡Å¡t sÅ¡Å¡t✨
✨sÅ¡Å¡t sÅ¡Å¡t sÅ¡Å¡t sÅ¡Å¡t✨
I wish this for you ALLways...
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