Tuesday, May 19, 2015

New Moon 5/18/2015

As the New Moon invites a time to regenerate one's self and to reconnect with all that feeds you, I return to the dance, my constant, the boat that keeps me afloat...amidst turbulent waters as well as those times when the wind in my sails is billowing. I feel oso blessed I discovered the dance early on and I remain a devotee!

I am a woman walking thru this world with lotsa love in my heart, celebrating the divine spark of creativity in us all! It *is* GOOD to be alive and, I might add, to be a woman of a “certain age” whose youth has faded, yet the fine lines of a life well lived are only growing bolder!

The river of my life has presented a few occasions of choppy, high wave waters and tears (over)flowing. However, many, many more are the blessed days of smooth sailing and I believe my dance, frame drum and systrum practices deeply steeped in ancient traditions honoring the Feminine Divine are what keeps this vessel afloat. 

Blessed be.
Permit me if you will to share a dance piece entitled:
"Veiled in Mystery ~ Giving Blessings"


NOTE:  See more videos of Tahya solos:  Click here

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